Monday, January 25, 2016

Welcome Back!

  • SL.9-10.3. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
  • CCRR9 - Georgia
  • Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
  • ELACC9-10RH5 - Georgia
  • Analyze how a text uses structure to emphasize key points or advance an explanation or analysis

Learning Target(s):
Learning Target: Students will have higher understanding of Imperialism through a variety of texts.

Opening Session
Warm Up: (Optional)

Activator: (Required)
Land of Confusion
Other Activities:
Go over goals.
Directions for moving around room.
Work Session
Satire Question
Poem – complete group work -- translation.
Highlight George Orwell Bio. Notes

Closing Session

Ticket Out the Door- Differentiated activity
Assessment Strategies
Responses to group questions. Reader response.

Differentiation Plan
How will you differentiate today? Differentiation should reflect the following: extension, remediation, re-teaching, academic language development, acceleration, skill development, etc.
Types of Differentiation
Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must differentiate at least one area – content, process, or product) Be specific.

Simplified. Use of extensive scaffolding

Flexible Grouping – Gallery walk, visuals, slow down content

Student Choice, student work
Methods to Differentiation
Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must differentiate at least one way – interest, readiness, or learning style. ) Be specific.

Relevance – at Osborne

Students read through it with teacher. Make sure they understand.
Learning Style

Visual, Intra- and Interpersonal, use of visuals, kinesthetic
Specialized Instruction (SpEd Only)
To address the unique needs of the student that result from the student’s disability and
To ensure access of the student to the general curriculum.
Methods to Specialization
Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must specialize in at least one way to correspond with your student’s needs – content, methodology, and/or delivery). Be specific.

Visuals –pictures,

Highlighters – color coded, kinesthetic and visuals

Vocabulary defining Scaffolding highlighers

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