Friday, January 15, 2016

Teacher’s Name:   Eric W. Carlson
Date:  1/15/16
Course::  World Literature
Periods: 2nd, 4th

R.L. Osborne High School
Daily Lesson Plan

  • SL.9-10.3. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Learning Target(s):
Learning Target: Students will use details to figure who should receive a heart transplant.

Opening Session
Warm Up: (Optional)

Activator: (Required)
Read Conclusion Video on Conclusions
Other Activities:
Read Conclusion Sample
Work Session
Write Conclusion
The Kite Runner Extended Time – Respond to questions about movie.
Closing Session

Hot Seat Questions
Assessment Strategies
Responses to group questions. Check writing progress.

Differentiation Plan
How will you differentiate today? Differentiation should reflect the following: extension, remediation, re-teaching, academic language development, acceleration, skill development, etc.
Types of Differentiation
Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must differentiate at least one area – content, process, or product) Be specific.

Simplified Text

Flexible Grouping

Student Choice
Methods to Differentiation
Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must differentiate at least one way – interest, readiness, or learning style. ) Be specific.

Relevance – at Osborne

Students read through it with teacher. Make sure they understand.
Learning Style

Visual –use of move for summer reading, Intra and Interpersonal
Specialized Instruction (SpEd Only)
To address the unique needs of the student that result from the student’s disability and
To ensure access of the student to the general curriculum.
Methods to Specialization
Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must specialize in at least one way to correspond with your student’s needs – content, methodology, and/or delivery). Be specific.

Graphic Organizer-example

Highlighters – color coded

Vocabulary Scaffolding highlighers

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