Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday, August 13
Think, Pair, Share!!
ELACC9-10WHST4 - Georgia
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
ELACC9-10WHST5 - Georgia
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.

Learning Target
Students will help their peers in editing their papers.
They will think about their writing, and edit their own papers, then pair up with another student, and share their edits.

How did it go yesterday?!

What is a Think Pair Share? Go over that.

Work Session
Pass out the paper checklist; just another way to help them.

Okay guys, we have two options today. We can work for the first 45 minutes individual. Or, if you guys need more time we can use the whole class period. I will walk around and make an executive discussion if one can not be made.

After working for the first half of class we can do think pair share. Where you will go over your paper by yourself, then get with a partner and have their edit your paper.
We can do this a few times for more help. 

If you want to do half the class TPS and the other half individual that is okay too! 


Closing Session
Go over your checklist, everything that you missed make sure you add them in your paper. If that isn't done, it becomes your homework!

Assessment Strategy  
Formal: Checklist
Informal: Answering questions, looking at their paper edits. Students helping with editing other students papers.


Instruction being given orally will help students who listen learn
The checklist will help visual learners
TPS will help students who need to be hands-on
Students have the choice to either work by themselves or with a partner.

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